All the rules:

Full rules coming soon:

Watch this space.


Effective 1 August 2004
The basic rules are unchanged with the exception of appendix “B” which  corrects the positioning  and dimensions of Sail Numbers.  The layout and wording of the documents has been changed to eliminate unnecessary wording and repetition and to accommodate the new format for obtaining a Measurement Certificate.     Construction drawings will be updated and will be available soon.
The Measurement Certificate has been simplified
Measurement Certificates (sheets 1 & 2) are changed to a single Measurement Form  to be completed by the Measurer and forwarded to the National Measurer who will now issue the Measurement Certificate
Appendix “A”  Dimension Diagram, is re-drawn for clarity and is now in “Word” format.
Appendix  “B” Sail Number Diagram has been completely revised and is now in “Word” format.

 Number sizes have been added and option to use numbers of sizes as used in the International classes is now allowed.

The number positions are a compromise of those previously specified at various times.  The A and B suits are almost as the original dimensions but space has been made for an additional “1” if required.  The C suit numbers have been lowered to avoid the lower batten and to allow for the additional “1’.

The Grandfather clause should cover the variations of the past.
3.1 IDENTIFICATION:  has been deleted. This now is under Clause 2. Registration 
3.3 and 3.4 Fin ,Ballast and Rudder are now combined into one clause 3.2
4.  EQUIPMENT now becomes RADIO EQUIPMENT and a paragraph is added to state that only two channels may be used.( this was previously on the certificate)
 1.    GENERAL:            is unchanged
 1.2  AUTHORITY.    
1.2.1. is changed to show SARSA as the sole Authority.
1.2.2. Class Association…and  1.2.3  are deleted.     
b)      The yacht, it’s spars etc…….is deleted
c)       is changed to  b)
d)      is added to state that an Event Measurement Form  may be required by the race committee at an event.
1.4       CLASS RULES AND……….
1.4.1 AND 1.4.2.     wording changed and rectified. Meaning unchanged
1.4.3     is deleted
1.5        MEASUREMENT
1.5.2          Wording changed to state that Measurement form must be sent to National Measurer who will produce the Certificate

Paragraph  numbers re-arranged but unchanged



This is completely re-worded and re-hashed for clarification but the meaning is unchanged
3.  CONSTRUCTION: (Was construction and Measurement rules)

 3.1 Identification marks moved to   2. REGISTRATION AND  IDENTIFICATION

 3.2 Meaning unchanged but wording and paragraphs changed to reduce verbiage

 3.3 and 3.4 are combined into one clause  3.2 to reduce unnecessary repetition.
3.5    MASS    is unchanged but becomes 3.3
3.6   MASTS    becomes 3.4

3.6.4.        Mast position….. is deleted  -this is on the dimension  measurement form App. “A”

3.6.5.        becomes 3.4.4 and block type gooseneck is added.
3.7   BOOMS  becomes 3.5 and is unchanged
3.8       OTHER RIGGING RULES becomes 3.6 and is unchanged.
3.9   SAILS.      Becomes 3.7    and is re-arranged for clarity and simplification.
4.   EQUIPMENT  Becomes  RADIO EQUIPMENT and a paragraph is added to specify that only two channels may be used.

 all previous revisions are now included in their respective paragraphs etc.

This clause is now deleted.
Roy Reynolds

15 August 2004